I know you feel down sometimes. I know that sometimes you question who you are. You sometimes question your worth. I know sometimes you can’t see the talent and beauty you possess. I know that sometimes all you see is the few pounds you’d like to lose or the zit you wish would go away or the piled high list of things you feel like you have to do.

I know that you compare yourself. I know that you size yourself up and try to sometimes fit a mold or reach a standard that you are not meant to fit or fulfill. I know that sometimes you worry about who likes you and who doesn’t. I know you worry and lose sleep over those who you can’t seem to win over. I know that you take it upon yourself to try to be accepted and wanted. I know that sometimes you feel like you aren’t enough.

I also know this:

You are loved.

So deeply, so truly, so purely.

And it’s not because of anything you’ve done. It’s not because of what you have accomplished, what you have achieved, or whatever fame or fortunes you have attained. It’s not because you have done anything to prove you are worthy of being loved.

Each and every day you are loved by God, the one who put the stars in the sky and the creatures in the sea. He cares for you, He loves you, and believe it when I say that you have nothing to prove.

You are loved.

You can try and try to seek out love from the world. You can try to prove to the world that you are worthy. Although at times the world may seem to fulfill you, in the end you will always feel empty.

God sees your imperfections. He sees your mistakes, your faults, your sins. He sees past the walls you try to build to keep you from Him. He sees past what the world may say or think about you.

Listen to Ephesians 2:4-5 “But because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions - it is by grace we have been saved.”

Jesus died for you. He thought you were worthy enough to die for.

You are loved.

Don’t Compare Yourself

You don’t need to be the best to be loved. You don’t need to be better than the person next to you to be loved. Life is not a competition.

I know that it’s easy to fall into the trap of comparing. I know that it’s easy to want and wish for what others have. I know it’s easy to believe that you must do or say so many things in order to feel accepted. Understand that you do not need to win others over.

Quit seeking out acceptance from people in order to fulfill whatever void you have. Quit trying to find people to love you. You don’t need to fit into what society says will make you wanted or accepted.

Being loved by the one true King is what you need. And He’s doing that. Day in and day out. You just have to choose to accept it and love Him back.

Don’t Listen to Lies

There have been times where thoughts have come into my head, and I’ve had no idea where they came from. “Are you really that special? What do you honestly have to offer the world? Who even loves you?” I know these thoughts aren’t true, yet they still invade my mind. They make me question and compare. These thoughts aren’t from myself. This is the devil trying to keep me from feeling loved.

Understand that the devil likes to attack when he knows big things are coming your way. He likes to attack when he knows you are about to move mountains. Those negative thoughts come from him, so don’t allow him to take over your mind and lead you into believing those things.

They are not true.

You are loved.

Accept His Love

Don’t start over-analyzing who you are. Quit wishing to be more. Be happy with yourself, and accept the fact that you are loved.

You are a masterpiece. Don’t over-analyze God’s artwork.

You have been fearfully and wonderfully made. God did not make any mistakes. You have been created in His image. You are literally a work of art. Believe that.

Don’t allow yourself to feel empty. Don’t allow yourself to feel unloved. Accept the love God has for you, and always remember it.

You are worthy.

You are capable.

You are enough.

You are special.

You are loved.

Zephaniah 3:17 “The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.”


Healing the Hurt


Loving Others First